• church@lagrangebaptist.com
  • 502-222-9306

Growing the Next Generation

for God’s Glory
The mission of LaGrange Baptist as a whole is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and the good of all peoples. LaGrange Student Ministry is this mission applied in the context of students (7th-12th grade) and their parents. We strive to accomplish this mission by creating environments where students can hear and respond to the gospel, grow in their relationship with Christ through the Bible and prayer, and develop a heart to serve others. We do this primarily through our weekly ministries that take place on Sundays (LIFE Class) and Wednesdays (Wednesday Nights); these weekly ministries are supplemented with four annual events (1 in the Fall, 1 in the Spring, and 2 in the summer). At the end of the day, our goal is to prepare our students to be adult Christians – we are after longevity with ripple effects, not brief, big splashes. For more information about LSM, events, or how to serve, call our LBC Office at 222-9306.

We never want students to view ministry as something they come to in order to simply receive. The Bible teaches that ministry in the church is something in which Christians serve and are served. In light of this, we desire to teach students the value of the local church along with the value of serving in the local church. A key element to our Wednesday Night environment is our student leaders. Each semester (Fall & Spring) a team of high school students assists in leading the weekly ministries and in planning a student ministry event. These student leaders are also connected with one of our adult leaders for the purpose of discipleship.

Everything we do in our student ministry is anchored to the teachings of the Bible. This is especially true in the various teaching opportunities we provide to students. On Wednesday Nights our teaching covers everything from walking through books of the Bible to looking at topical issues that students face to teaching through the overarching story of the Bible. We never want to just pump information into students; the goal is to equip and encourage students to apply the truth of Scripture to their lives. In most cases, what is taught on Wednesday Nights is discussed more in depth on the following Sunday in LIFE Class; this approach enables us to streamline the teaching and focus on learning a few things with application rather than learning a bunch of things without application.

Wednesday Nights

7th-12th grade students
Wednesday Nights (6:30-7:45) serve as our entry-level environment. The goal is to engage the mind and heart of both Christians and non-Christians with the truth of the Bible. A typical night has a mixture of games, music, and biblical teaching. The two key elements of Wednesday Nights are the relationships and the biblical content.


Life Classes
LIFE Class, which meets on Sunday mornings (9:30-10:30), is the most crucial ministry of our student ministry. LIFE Classes focus on connecting students to God through the teaching and discussion of the Bible and connecting relationally to adult leaders and their peers. Classes are age and gender divided (7th-8th grade girls, 7th-8th grade boys, 9th-10th grade girls, 9th-12th grade boys, and 11th-12th grade girls).



practically meeting emotional, relational, and spiritual needs of our students



teaching students the Word of God and how it applies to their daily lives



creating a community of relationships in which truth is caught and taught



reaching out to others w/the gospel of Jesus Christ

Role of Parents and Families

Scripture is clear that parents have been given the joy and responsibility of raising their students in the ways of Jesus. Scripture is also clear that parents are not alone in this; the church has a responsibility to encourage and equip parents. As students experience both pain and joy in life, the partnership between parents and the church can help students see their lives in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Role of The Student Ministry

We want to come alongside parents as they take the lead in the spiritual development of their students. It is our hope to equip, encourage and minister to families by providing resources and opportunities that help them worship and learn together.

Working Together

The hope of the student ministry is to partner with parents. Below are just a few ways that we can get the ball rolling in this area, but this is just a start for us. We want to continue to grow in this area of defining our partnership more clearly.

1. Come to a ministry environment

This includes Wednesday nights, LIFE Class, or one of our ministry events. See the calendar for more info.

2. Serve in the church together

There are a number of opportunities throughout the year for parents to serve the church and community alongside their son or daughter. This could mean everything from being involved in one of our mission projects to being a LIFE Class teacher or adult leader.

3. Utilize Family Resources

We have a list of recommended books for students and their parents to help point you towards the Lord together.

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