Pastor Tony pauses our series on the parables of Jesus to come to the Lord’s table as we study1 Corinthians 11:17-34. Listen | Watch| Download | Subscribe To download this
Two studies will be offered on Thursday mornings, September 2nd – November 18th. at 9:30 AM: Storyline of the Bible: Genesis to Revelation and Beth Moore’s study of Revelation, Here
Pastor Tony continues our series on the parables of Jesus with Luke 12:35-48 to look at what it means to truly be ready. Listen | Watch| Download | Subscribe To
Some people are asking me questions about being an Advocate. Without these answers some are reluctant to sign up to help, so let me put the questions and their answers
Pastor Tony continues our series on the parables of Jesus with Luke 12:13-21, Exodus 20:17, Colossians 3:5 to look at the foolishness of loving the gifs of God more than
Pastor Tony continues our series on the parables of Jesus with Matthew 25:1-13 to help us to see that being ready for Christ’s return is being wise. Listen | Watch|
As you prepare to serve or consider serving on August 28th at Oldham/Touched Twice Clinic, I ask that you spend some of that time in prayer. Clint Elliot, the event
Pastor Tony continues our series on the parables of Jesus with Matthew 18:23-35 to teach us about the enormous unpayable debt we have as humans (in sin), the immeasurable mercy