Starting with Hebrews 2:9, Pastor Tony gives us a history lesson of how God moved on the leaders of the Church through scripture to preserve the Christian truth of the
There will be no evening services on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day (Sunday, December 25 & Sunday, January 1) Starting January 8, 2012 Sunday Evening Services will be held
Pastor Tony was enthralled with hearing the words sung in the way that Handel put them together in “Messiah” focusing on the prophecy of salvation in Isaiah 40:1-11 December 11,
Dr. Eric Johnson, looks at a few of the most glorious and edifying truths of the Bible that are in Romans 8. December 04, 2011 “The Two Mindsets Of Christians”,
Come celebrate the birth of Bring friends, family and neighbors to hear all the different styles of music used in worship at LaGrange Baptist Church! 6 p.m December 10 &
Pastor Tony explores what Paul says in Galatians 5:16 about what a Christian is, not what a Christian does. November 27, 2011 “Abide: Works Of The Flesh Or Fruit Of
Pastor Tony speaks of what the Apostle Paul was dealing with the Galatians about in Galatians 5:13-18 and how the world sometimes misunderstands Christianity and Christ because The Church has
Pastor Tony continues in Galatians 5:7-12 , another sermon in the Abide series”. November 13, 2011 “Abide: Staying On Course”, Tony Rose, Pastor Listen | Watch | Download | Subscribe
Pastor Tony explains why the Gospel is good news Galatians 5 and what is meant by the “hope of righteousness”. November 06, 2011 “Abide: In Adam Or In Christ”, Tony