On Sunday, we will continue our series, “Gospel-Shaped Relationships”. Pastor Tony will be preaching from Romans 3:21-26. Isaiah 45:18-23 will be guiding our service as a whole. As you prepare, pray that
On Sunday, we will continue our series, “Gospel-Shaped Relationships”. Pastor Tony will be preaching from Genesis 3. Philippians 2:1-13 will be guiding our service as a whole. As you prepare, pray that
On Sunday, we will continue our series, “Gospel-Shaped Relationships”. Pastor Tony will be preaching from Genesis 3. Psalm 32 will be guiding our service as a whole. As you prepare, pray that
On Sunday, we will continue our new series, “Gospel-Shaped Relationships”. Pastor Tony will be preaching from Genesis 1:26-27. John 1:1-13 will be guiding our service as a whole. As you prepare, pray
We will begin a new series on Sunday entitled, “Gospel-Shaped Relationships”. Pastor Tony will be preaching from 1 John 4:7-12. 1 John 1:5-2:6 will be guiding our service as a whole. As