On Sunday, we continue our “Love Defined” series. Ryan Bebee, our Family Pastor to Children, will be preaching from Romans 12:14-21. Parts of Deteuronomy 32 will guide our worship service. We will sing:
On Sunday, we continue our “Love Defined” series. Ryan Bebee, our Family Pastor to Children, will be preaching from Romans 12:9-13. Psalm 36:1-7 will guide our worship service. We will be singing: Praise
Pastor Tony begins a new series, “Love Defined” 2 main Scripture passages will be used for this s, Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 13, to help us build a biblical
Sunday marks the beginning of a new sermon series entitled, “Love Defined”. We will use 2 main Scripture passages, Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 13, to help us build a
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Sunday! In light of that, Pastor Tony will be preaching from Hebrews 7:22-28 on the blessings of the King. Psalm 111 will guide our worship service. We will
On Sunday, Pastor Tony will wrap up our “Uncommon King” series. He will be be preaching from Isaiah 45 on the blessings of the King. Psalm 16 will guide our worship service. We will be