Growing the Next Generation
Our Plan & Vision

Growing is the process of preparing the soil of children’s hearts, planting the seeds of biblical truth in their minds, and nurturing the saplings of faith in their lives by the grace of God.
We recognize the truth of I Corinthians 3:7 which says, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”

The Next Generation

For God's Glory
The ultimate purpose for our ministry to children and families is that God be glorified in all things. Therefore, we want to intentionally build a God-centered focus that permeates everything we do as teachers, helpers and volunteers. We want to live out I Peter 4:11 which says, “whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”
It is our objective to teach the preschooler God’s love by displaying His love through our lives.
Our weekday preschool program is designed to encourage and support the development of children through a variety of learning experiences that promote self-exploration and discovery. Positive development of the child is of primary importance to us and is a priority in all aspects of program planning.
Each year there is a $150 registration deposit due at the initial sign up. This will hold your child’s spot and pay for all their supplies for the year. This is a non-refundable fee. The classes begin after Labor Day and end in the middle of May. Tuition is divided into 9 fees for each month of classes and is due by the 10th of each month. The tuition for 4 year olds is $220/month and $190/month for 3 year olds. Dates and fees are liable to change due to the change in calendar and cost of supplies. If you have questions concerning our Weekday Preschool, please contact Debbie Crask at (502) 643-7169.

- $150 registration deposit
- Tuition is divided into 9 fees for each month of classes and is due by the 10th of each month.
- $150 registration deposit
- Tuition is divided into 9 fees for each month of classes and is due by the 10th of each month.
Sundays @ 9:30am • 2 yr olds – 6th grade
Our L.I.F.E. (Love, Instruction, Fellowship, Evangelism) Ministry desires to partner with parents in teaching and reinforcing the foundations of Christian faith using biblically based, age-appropriate methods and activities. Classes run from preschool (age 2) through 6th grade.
This is a vital ministry for children. As kids grow up, it is of great necessity that they hear the Word of God taught from many people. This is where our LIFE Classes come in for the kids. They are taught faithfully from God’s word by teachers who have a heart for the kids and have been immersed in the material themselves. These teachers know the weight of responsibility placed on those who teach the word, and they themselves take it very seriously. Each week the kids are reminded of what they learned the week before, challenged to think hard about the Scriptures, and then encouraged to apply it to their lives.
The great benefit of this is twofold – Parents are free to hear the Word of God in their LIFE Class and the children are blessed to hear the Word of God from others who love them. The result of this is that believers and their children are learning what it means to “Let the Word of Christ dwell in your richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)
V.I.N.E. Time
Sundays @ 10:45am • 2 yr olds – kindergarten
V.I.N.E. Time is a fun-filled hour for preschoolers (age 2 – Kind.) to come and enjoy a Very Important Nurturing Experience that connects them to Jesus Christ. V.I.N.E. Time meets during the worship service from 10:45am-12:00pm. The Sunday school lesson is reviewed and the time is packed with various activities to reinforce the truths learned in the previous hour.
This is one of the great things about VINE Time. The lesson is simple, and it is a follow up lesson from their LIFE Class. This means it is something the kids are familiar with and they will likely retain the information. Our greatest desire is for the Word of God to be implanted upon their hearts so that they may come to trust Christ and follow Him. VINE Time is a key component in accomplishing this goal, and kids will leave with a greater understanding of our great God.
Another great blessing about VINE Time is that it frees up the parents to worship God with the rest of the Saints. Parent’s need to receive the word of God and unite with the body of Christ if they are going to faithfully care for their kids. While parents are worshipping, they can have confidence that their children are being taught from God’s word and encouraged to trust and follow Jesus.
Sundays @ 9:30am, 10:45 am & 5:30pm • birth – 1 yr olds
Lagrange Baptist’s Nursery Ministry seeks to intentionally plant seeds of biblical truth into the hearts of the little ones among us. Children (birth – pre-2’s) will be provided with a safe and loving environment where teachers and helpers will begin to lay the groundwork of who God is through prayer, singing, reading and purposeful playing.
We consider this time with little ones a great blessing. Some have viewed nursery as simple “baby-sitting,” but it is much more than that. In the nursery, the love of God is on display as people care for little ones and pour out love and compassion. This cultivates a sense of security and communicates to the kids that they are a delight, not a burden. The joy of serving in the nursery is the joy of giving God glory by training up the next generation in the ways of our Lord. In fact, Jesus was angry and corrected his disciples when they thought He didn’t have time for little ones:
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm • 4 yr olds – 6th grade
SEEDS is a ministry for children that teaches them the gospel and encourages practical discipleship through small group gatherings.
The children memorize God’s word, sing God-centered songs, and learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Children 4 years old through 6th grade meet each Wednesday during the school year.
We want our kids to be mighty in the Word of God so we spend time teaching them from small portions of scripture as well as teaching them the storyline of the entire Bible. After the large group teaching time, the kids are split up into their individual age groups and have a follow up discussion on the lesson at an age appropriate level. The most important things we teach them is how everything in the Bible is meant to point us to Jesus and His love for us displayed through his death and resurrection on our behalf.
Jesus told a parable about a sower sowing seeds into different soils (Matthew 12, 13; Mark 4; Luke 8). Some of the soils rejected the SEEDS, some had some growth but eventually died off, but one soil received the seed and produced grain. The seeds represented the Word of God, and the soils represented people’s hearts. Our desire is to cast the SEEDS of God’s word onto the hearts of these children all the while praying for their hearts to be soft and receptive of God’s word. We will labor diligently to this end, but always remembering that, “Neither he who plans nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” (1 Corinthians 3:7)
Our Vision
We want the church to be full of families worshiping together and growing together in the gospel. We want the church to be full of families serving one another in love and unity. And we want the church to be full of families eager to invite their friends and neighbors to a relevant, engaging Christ-centered experience for everyone.
Sharing an Experience
Parents & kids come together to worship/grow as a family
Encouraging Parents
Practical tools to give real help & real hope to parents
Elevating Community
Leaders providing another voice of influence in a child’s life
Driving Home the Gospel
Only the gospel brings true heart change
Serving Together in Love
Atmosphere of service that spans generations
Some of the teaching and small group
resources we use are:
This is a ministry that is always in need of workers.
If you desire to serve in the SEEDS Ministry,
please contact Pastor Ryan.
Vacation Bible School

Click the button below to register you child for VBS. If you have questions, please call the LBC Office at 222-9306.
- The nursery opens 15 minutes before the Worship Service.
- Children stay in the same room for one year. Every September we promote the children. Toddlers will be promoted in October to the “Pre-2” & “2 yr. old” classes. This is determined by birth month and year.
- Newborns are welcome in our nursery. You do not have to wait until they are 6 or 8 weeks old to leave them in the nursery. Whenever you are ready, you many fill out an information form.
- Due to the crowded hallways and rooms, we ask that only one person drop off and pick up your child.
Each week when you check in, you will be asked to fill out a security sticker and a parent sign-in sheet. You will also receive a pager. Your child’s Diaper Bag will have a corresponding tag.
- Please fill out the information on the sign-in sheet completely. Write your name and specific location, and the pager # on the parent sign-in sheet.
- Write your child’s name, any specific instructions, and your pager # on the sticker. Attach the sticker to the child’s back.
- The Diaper bag tag should match the pager #, and be placed on the diaper bag.
- The parent keeps the pager. The pager must be turned in when picking up your child. If someone else is to pick up your child, they must have the pager. Siblings may pick up a child if they are at least middle school age.
- The parent must be on the church campus at all times.
- In the event that you lose the pager, or another person has it, please go to the Nursery. The nursery caregivers will not release your child without proper authorization. Your child’s safety is our first priority, even if it requires extra time.
- Worker : child ratios have been established for your child’s safety and are as follows:
- Infants – 1:3
- Toddlers – 1:4
- Two Year Olds – 1:5
- Children will not be accepted into the rooms until the adults scheduled to work that hour are present and the ratios are met.
- The Nursery is staffed entirely by volunteers. The number of children we can care for is totally dependant on the number of volunteers we have. On some occasions, you many not be able to leave your child in the nursery due to a lack of workers. It is for this reason that we encourage all parents to serve as volunteers in the Children’s Ministry.
Sometimes, especially during the early years, there may be a difficult period of adjustment for your child. They may not want to stay in their room without you. Be patient. Continue to leave your child. Taking the child to the adult service or staying home only postpones the problem. Reassurance, plenty of love and consistent attendance will often take care of the problem.
It is not necessary for you to “check” on your child. If your child does not settle down in 10-15 minutes, or if we need to page you, your pager will alarm you. The nursery staff will be delighted to talk with you, and work with you and your child.
- A small diaper bag or sack that will easily fit in the nursery cubbyhole.
- One or two bottles or “sippy-cups” as needed (permanently labeled with your child’s full name). Please do not put milk products in sippy cups, as this protects those children with milk allergies.
- Extra disposable diapers.
- Pacifier (clip-on type or labeled, please)
- Change of clothes
Do not bring medicine of any kind. If your child needs any medication at all, it MUST be kept by and administered by the parent.
Please do not bring toys from home. They may get lost if they are mixed in with the nursery toys. We provide safe toys that are cleaned every week.
The nursery is comfortably equipped with blankets, burping cloths, etc. It is not necessary to bring these items from home. It is often difficult to track down the items that belong to your child.
Please to not bring infant carriers, car seats, and/or strollers into the nursery. We do not have the room to store them.
We will provide Animal Crackers & Cheese crackers. Please do not send additional food. Other children in the class will gravitate to your child’s snack. Even the presence of peanut butter inside a child’s bag can prove to be extremely dangerous to some children’s allergies.
We provide water at snack time. Please do not send beverages, especially milk products, in sippy cups.
Please label all bottles and pacifiers.
Please tie a string to the pacifiers and pin them to your child’s clothing.
All blankets should have your child’s name on them so that they are not confused with the nursery supply.
All coats and jackets should be labeled with your child’s name. The Security Sticker should be placed directly on the child.
A nursing room is available in the nursery area.
We will do our best to give bottle-fed babies their bottle at the time you indicate. Please write specific instructions on the Security Sticker placed on your child.
Since powdered formulas vary, we ask that you mix up all bottles before you come.
We ask that you feed your child their baby/solid food before you come. If your child must be fed solid food during the service, it may be necessary to page you.
We do provide animal crackers, cheese crackers, and water each hour for children over 6 months of age. Please do not send additional food, gum, or beverages.
If your child is allergic to anything on the snack list, please tell the workers every time you check in. Write “No Crackers” on the Special Instructions space on your child’s Security Sticker.
The Quiet Room should not be used for feeding children of any age.
Please bring an extra disposable diaper each time you come. The one time you think you won’t need it, you will.
We make the effort to check and/or change every child every hour. If you need to change your child, please do so in the nursery.
The Quiet Room is not for this purpose.
In consideration of others, please do not bring sick children to the Nursery or to the Quiet Room. Your child must be free from colds, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pinkeye, and other symptoms for at least 24 hours before coming to the Nursery or to the Quiet Room.
If your child becomes ill or injured during the service, the Nursery Staff will determine whether to notify you immediately or wait until the hour is over.
All medication must be administered by parents.
The lost and found is located behind the counter at Check In. Please check there or in your child’s room for missing items.
If the fire alarm should go off during the service, please do not come to the nursery. The nursery caregiver’s primary concern is to get the children out of the area safely. During the fire alarm, the children WILL NOT be released to the parents until calm has been restored and security tags can be checked properly.
Our ministry team and volunteers are here to pray for your child, play with them, and read to them every time they are with us in the Nursery. We desire for your child to want to come to church, and to learn truths about God. As our church continues to grow, there is always a need for more nursery caregivers. If you are willing to serve either on Sunday morning, Sunday evening, or Wednesday night, please call Julie Scott, Nursery Director at (225-5991). We will be glad to schedule and screen you to care for these precious children. The nursery is dependent on volunteers, and we encourage all parents to serve.
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm • 4 yr olds – 6th grade
SEEDS is a ministry for children that teaches them the gospel and encourages practical discipleship through small group gatherings.
The children memorize God’s word, sing God-centered songs, and learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Children 4 years old through 6th grade meet each Wednesday during the school year.
We want our kids to be mighty in the Word of God so we spend time teaching them from small portions of scripture as well as teaching them the storyline of the entire Bible. After the large group teaching time, the kids are split up into their individual age groups and have a follow up discussion on the lesson at an age appropriate level. The most important things we teach them is how everything in the Bible is meant to point us to Jesus and His love for us displayed through his death and resurrection on our behalf.
Jesus told a parable about a sower sowing seeds into different soils (Matthew 12, 13; Mark 4; Luke 8). Some of the soils rejected the SEEDS, some had some growth but eventually died off, but one soil received the seed and produced grain. The seeds represented the Word of God, and the soils represented people’s hearts. Our desire is to cast the SEEDS of God’s word onto the hearts of these children all the while praying for their hearts to be soft and receptive of God’s word. We will labor diligently to this end, but always remembering that, “Neither he who plans nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” (1 Corinthians 3:7)
Our Vision
We want the church to be full of families worshiping together and growing together in the gospel. We want the church to be full of families serving one another in love and unity. And we want the church to be full of families eager to invite their friends and neighbors to a relevant, engaging Christ-centered experience for everyone.
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Sharing an Experience
Parents & kids come together to worship/grow as a family
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Encouraging Parents
Practical tools to give real help & real hope to parents
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Elevating Community
Leaders providing another voice of influence in a child’s life
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Driving Home the Gospel
Only the gospel brings true heart change
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Serving Together in Love
Atmosphere of service that spans generations
Some of the teaching and small group
resources we use are:
This is a ministry that is always in need of workers.
If you desire to serve in the SEEDS Ministry,
please contact Pastor Ryan.
Sundays @ 9:30am • 2 yr olds – 6th grade
Our L.I.F.E. (Love, Instruction, Fellowship, Evangelism) Ministry desires to partner with parents in teaching and reinforcing the foundations of Christian faith using biblically based, age-appropriate methods and activities. Classes run from preschool (age 2) through 6th grade.
This is a vital ministry for children. As kids grow up, it is of great necessity that they hear the Word of God taught from many people. This is where our LIFE Classes come in for the kids. They are taught faithfully from God’s word by teachers who have a heart for the kids and have been immersed in the material themselves. These teachers know the weight of responsibility placed on those who teach the word, and they themselves take it very seriously. Each week the kids are reminded of what they learned the week before, challenged to think hard about the Scriptures, and then encouraged to apply it to their lives.
The great benefit of this is twofold – Parents are free to hear the Word of God in their LIFE Class and the children are blessed to hear the Word of God from others who love them. The result of this is that believers and their children are learning what it means to “Let the Word of Christ dwell in your richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)
Some of the teaching and small group
resources we use are:
This is a ministry that is always in need of workers.
If you desire to serve in the SEEDS Ministry,
please contact Pastor Ryan.
V.I.N.E. Time
Sundays @ 10:45am • 2 yr olds – kindergarten
V.I.N.E. Time is a fun-filled hour for preschoolers (age 2 – Kind.) to come and enjoy a Very Important Nurturing Experience that connects them to Jesus Christ. V.I.N.E. Time meets during the worship service from 10:45am-12:00pm. The Sunday school lesson is reviewed and the time is packed with various activities to reinforce the truths learned in the previous hour.
This is one of the great things about VINE Time. The lesson is simple, and it is a follow up lesson from their LIFE Class. This means it is something the kids are familiar with and they will likely retain the information. Our greatest desire is for the Word of God to be implanted upon their hearts so that they may come to trust Christ and follow Him. VINE Time is a key component in accomplishing this goal, and kids will leave with a greater understanding of our great God.
Another great blessing about VINE Time is that it frees up the parents to worship God with the rest of the Saints. Parent’s need to receive the word of God and unite with the body of Christ if they are going to faithfully care for their kids. While parents are worshipping, they can have confidence that their children are being taught from God’s word and encouraged to trust and follow Jesus.
Some of the teaching and small group
resources we use are:
This is a ministry that is always in need of workers.
If you desire to serve in the SEEDS Ministry,
please contact Pastor Ryan.
Sundays @ 9:30am, 10:45 am & 5:30pm • birth – 1 yr olds
Lagrange Baptist’s Nursery Ministry seeks to intentionally plant seeds of biblical truth into the hearts of the little ones among us. Children (birth – pre-2’s) will be provided with a safe and loving environment where teachers and helpers will begin to lay the groundwork of who God is through prayer, singing, reading and purposeful playing.
We consider this time with little ones a great blessing. Some have viewed nursery as simple “baby-sitting,” but it is much more than that. In the nursery, the love of God is on display as people care for little ones and pour out love and compassion. This cultivates a sense of security and communicates to the kids that they are a delight, not a burden. The joy of serving in the nursery is the joy of giving God glory by training up the next generation in the ways of our Lord. In fact, Jesus was angry and corrected his disciples when they thought He didn’t have time for little ones:
Some of the teaching and small group
resources we use are:
This is a ministry that is always in need of workers.
If you desire to serve in the SEEDS Ministry,
please contact Pastor Ryan.
MWF @ 9:00am – 12:00pm • 4 yr olds
TTH @ 9:00am – 11:30am • 3 yr olds
It is our objective to teach the preschooler God’s love by displaying His love through our lives. Our weekday preschool program is designed to encourage and support the development of children through a variety of learning experiences that promote self-exploration and discovery. Positive development of the child is of primary importance to us and is a priority in all aspects of program planning.
Some of the teaching and small group
resources we use are:
This is a ministry that is always in need of workers.
If you desire to serve in the SEEDS Ministry,
please contact Pastor Ryan.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is one week in the summer (June 17-21, 2019) that changes children’s lives forever. Kids ranging from 4 years old to 6th grade participate in fun-filled games, crafts and Bible lessons centered on an exciting theme. Buckle your seatbelt, and grab your camera, because this year’s theme is In the Wild – Zoom in, Focus on Jesus! The kids will encounter Christ and see that He truly is the Son of God who came to save us from our sin. Our goal for VBS is to provide an opportunity for children of all ages to hear the gospel of Christ in a fun, safe and loving atmosphere. We encourage you to join us Monday through Friday (9am-12:15) starting June 17th as we serve the children of this church and reach out to those in our surrounding community.
VBS Registration
Online registration is now closed. If you have questions, please call the LBC Office at 222-9306.
Volunteering for VBS
Every year at VBS we see God do amazing things, and we want you to join us in this ministry. Please let us know how you would like to serve by emailing Ryan at
Volunteer for VBS