Sunday Worship Preview: February 1, 2015
This coming Sunday we will continue “The Basics” series as we look again at the big story of the Bible. On Sunday Pastor Tony will be preaching from Luke 24. Read
Sunday Worship Preview: January 25, 2015
This coming Sunday we will kick off our series on “The Basics.” Throughout this coming year we will walk through the basics of Christianity as we answer questions like Who
Sunday Worship Preview: January 18, 2015
Pastor Tony will continue to set us up for “The Basics” series that we will be in throughout the year. He will be preaching this Sunday from 1 Corinthians. We will
Sunday Worship Preview: January 11, 2015
Pastor Tony will be back this Sunday, and he will be preaching this Sunday from 2 Thessalonians. We will talking about the consistent pursuit of proper goals throughout life no matter
Sunday Worship Preview: January 4, 2015
Cam Potts, our Family Pastor to Students, will be preaching this Sunday from Galatians 2. We will learn about that simple truth that the gospel is not about what we
Sunday Worship Preview: December 28, 2014
On Sunday Pastor Tony will be returning to Isaiah 9. We will be learning that the gift God gives us through Jesus meets our core needs at the deepest level. The
Sunday Worship Preview: December 14, 2014
This coming Sunday Pastor Tony will be preaching from Galatians 4 about our sending God. Christmas is a season of great joy, but there’s no greater joy than the one
Sunday Worship Preview: December 7, 2014
In the final part of our “Understanding Life” series on Sunday, Pastor Tony will be preaching from Isaiah 50 on the reality that the Lord sometimes sends darkness into our lives to
Sunday Worship Preview: November 30, 2014
In the next part of our “Understanding Life” series on Sunday, Pastor Tony will be preaching from 1 John 4 on the devil’s influence on Christians. There are a lot
Sunday Worship Preview: November 23, 2014
As we move to the next part of our “Understanding Life” series on Sunday, Pastor Tony will be preaching from Galatians 5 about why we sin and how we should face it. The