LIFE class Parent Luncheon
What is it?A time for you to meet your student’s LIFE teacher, hear about teaching content, how you can serve and what the year holds for our student ministry.When?Sunday, Oct
Major Event Dates
Here are major event dates for 08-09. Oct 12 – tentative kickoff for DEEPEROct 15 – 7 @ night – SOHS-this event is with the Middle School Assemblies with 7
7up Luncheon
Parents with incoming 7th graders or if you are new to our ministry – we have a special lunch planned for you. On September 7 you will have an opportunity
StudentLife Camp @ Cedarville University
Dates: July 7-11 Cost: $250 (1/2 off each subsequent child, maximum for a family $500) Details: Signups end Sunday, June 8. LMissions and Camp will be on the same signup
Training Dates for LaGrange Missions
Training dates for LMissions. Please calendar the below mandatory training dates that your student must attend. Sun. June 1 – 12:00-4:30: Backyard Bible Club ManiaALL students participating in LMissions Sun.
HS Vertical Reality '08 – Tentative Schedule
Friday, March 28 4:30 Meet at LBC 6:30 Arrive/unpack 7:30 game time! 8:30 Solitude 9:00 Session #1 10:30 Family Group 11:00 Bonfire – by lake 12:00 Lights out Saturday, March
StudentLife Camp 2008
When: July 7-11 Where: Cedarville University Signups begin in March For more information, check out
LaGrange Missions 2008
When: June 16-20 What is LaGrange Missions? Sharing the love of Christ in our community through meeting physical and spiritual needs. It is one way for us as a church
JH Vertical Reality '08
When: April 25-26 (meet @ church 5:00 PM Friday back on Saturday at 5:30 PM) Where: Cedarmoore Retreat Center Focus: THE WORD Cost: $50 (covers everything) Bring: Stuff to stay
High School Vertical Reality '08
What is VR all about? Vertical Reality weekend about us learning to use the ‘means’ God has given us to develop an intimate relationship with Him. Each year we focus