Family Milestones are periodic church experiences to encourage practical home discipleship. Each milestone represents a key stage in the lives of a parent and child. At these stages we want to equip you, encourage you, and walk with you.
Stepping into Parenting
Parent Seminar: (2 Hour Required Seminar)
This seminar covers topics like: our vision for families, why a parent/baby dedication our calling as parents, mom’s role and dad’s role, and ways to build biblical foundations.
Campus Event: Parent/Baby Dedication in worship service
Seminar Description:
Join us for a discussion for new parents with infants ready for baby dedication. Our time together will offer a biblical basis for your calling as a parent, a vision for your child, and some practical ways the church can support you through these exciting and challenging months.
(Note: This class is a pre-requisite for the parent-baby dedication. You must be a church member to participate in the dedication.)
Date: Late September/Early October
Stepping into Preschool
Parent Seminar: (Parents of children ages 2-4)
This seminar covers topics like: keeping your marriage a priority, teaching/training your preschooler, discipline, and family devotions.
Seminar Description:
Are you stressed from dealing with unreasonable demands, tantrums and bedtime or food battles? Then you are likely the parent of a preschooler. These years can be fun, but frustrating at times. We want to help! Join us for an evening of honest discussion and practical advice on topics such as disciplining in love, learning how God parents us, and keeping your priorities in order, such as God, marriage , and kids. We will also discuss biblical ways to disciple your preschooler to know about God through family devotions, and the role the church plays in your preschooler’s spiritual training
Date: Early November
Stepping into School
Parent Seminar: (1 Hour Seminar)
This seminar covers topics like: praying for your kids, communicating with your kids, involvement with your school, and routine/time management.
Seminar Description:
The first day of school is a big day for the whole family! This is an exciting time full of changes for you and your child. During our time together, we will discuss what it looks like to point your children to Christ in these formative years. It will include practical information for parents whose children are getting ready to experience elementary school, middle school, or high school for the first time, and will allow parents to connect with others whose children attend the same school.
Date: Late August/Late September
Stepping into Faith
Parent Seminar: (Parents and Children in 1st-6th grade)
This seminar covers topics like: Jesus, salvation, assurance of salvation, baptism, and church membership.
Seminar Description:
The most important milestone in the life of every Christian is celebrating his or her salvation and profession of faith in baptism. This seminar aims to assist parents and their children (1st-6th grade) through the “first steps” of faith, answering questions about salvation, assurance of salvation, baptism and church membership. Parents are equipped and given resources to lead family devotions in their homes where these principles are taught.
Date: Mid-August
Stepping into Adolescence
Parent Seminar: (Parents and students in 6th-8th grade)
This retreat covers topics like: friendships, making wise choices, moral purity, relationships with opposite sex.
Off-Campus Event: Passport2Purity Weekend
Seminar Description:
This guided overnight retreat is designed for a father and son or mother and daughter. One goal of the weekend is to open a dialogue with your adolescent about making wise biblical choices in the areas of friendships growing to sexual maturity, moral purity, and relationships with the opposite sex. Another goal is to help strengthen your relationship with your child and allow him or her to see you differently–as a trusted advisor and friend. You will hear teaching from our pastoral staff, as well as apply what you have learned through object lessons that you and your child complete together.
Date: Late February
Stepping into Maturity
Parent Seminar: (Parents and students in 9th-12th grade)
This retreat covers topics like: biblical manhood and womanhood, purity, integrity, modesty, and more.
Off-Campus Event: Pursuing Purity Weekend
Seminar Description:
The passing of a child into adulthood is a significant event. This weekend will bring parents and their high school students together to focus on a biblical understanding of what it means to be a man or a woman. Specific topics will include: modesty, integrity, dating, and more. Guys and girls will have separate weekend experiences to open the door for honest discussion about these topics.
Date: Mid-March
Stepping into the Real World
Parent Seminar: (4 Week Class – Parents and students)
This class covers topics like: growing closer to God in the next phase of life, grades and God’s calling, dating and romance, and living out of balance.
Campus Event: Recognition in Service & Luncheon
Seminar Description:
Parenting is all about preparation. We are called to prepare our kids to leave home and make an impact for Christ in this world. This milestone begins a 4-week class for parents and students to discuss the transition into college and/or the real world and ends with a time of recognition in the worship service. We want to partner with you in these important weeks to shape the faith of your children before they are on their own.
Date: Early June