The Good Samaritan
Pastor Doug takes to the familiar passage of Luke 10:25-37 for the Parable of the Good Samaritan. In his own words from his own blog, here are Pastor Doug’s thoughts on this message:
The Good Samaritan is no doubt one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. It is recognized by both Christians and non-Christians alike. The word itself is often used as a compliment. Like, “You were such a Good Samaritan for changing that lady’s tire.” So why preach on this passage if it’s so familiar? Why not tackle something more profound, something more challenging?
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I tend to live in the future. I’m either a dreamer or a worrier. Like Ed Welch says, “A visionary minus the optimism.” I wait for situations to change in my life so I can get on with my life. But this story reminds me that I must live in the present. That’s where life is. That’s where people are. Real people with real needs. Every day there are needs. Every day there are opportunities. And every day there are decisions. Decisions about whether to get involved in people’s lives or pass them by. I long to be a man who loves people, no matter who they are. To get into the lives of others like Jesus did.
With that in mind, I hope you are encouraged as you listen or watch this sermon. I’ll be the first to admit: knowing this story is not the same as doing what this story teaches. May God give us grace to be doers of even the most simple of Scriptures like this one.
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