Women's Bible Studies: Spring 2008
Women’s Bible Studies are offered on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:30 and Thursday evenings at 7 PM. Session One runs from February 21st through April 3rd. Session Two begins on April 17th and will conclude on May 29th. Cost for each study is $15, with scholarships available. You may sign up at the Welcome Center or online.
by Fern Nichols, Marlae Gritter,and Janice Oldham
A six-week study for women who desire a more effective prayer life. You will discover what Scripture says about prayer, you will learn practical how-to’s of praying and the different aspects of prayer, using the MITI 4-step format.
Morning Leader: Kathi Henry
Evening Leader Session1: Connie Homola
Evening Leader Session 2: Penny Davidson
Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent
Beth Moore’s newest study. Through an in-depth look at 15 Psalms, participants in this 6 week study can pray, reflect, and write a personal rendition of these ancient choruses.
Morning Leader: Brenda Allen
Evening Leader Session 1: Penny Davidson
Evening Leader Session 2: Connie Homola