To: All DiscipleNow Participants and Parents
- No iPods, mp3, handheld gaming systems or any other electronic devices allowed. If they are brought, they will be taken and not returned. (If you want to bring a ‘PS’, ‘Wii’ or ‘Xbox 360’, please contact Lisle.)
- NO CELL phones.
- No secular music, TV shows or movies are allowed to be seen or listened to during the weekend.
- No illegal substance or any tobacco products including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, dip, pot, etc. If these are found, you will be immediately sent home.
- No T-shirts, hats, or other clothing with slogans unbecoming to Christian character (such as cigarette ads or beer slogans, etc.) Any questions don’t bring it or call Lisle.
- Conduct yourselves in a mannerly way in the home that you are staying. Be sensitive and give respect to their property. If any items are damaged, you will be financially held responsible.
- Inappropriate behavior toward other students and adults will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behavior is defined as: cursing; degrading others through words and/or actions, any gestures that are not promoting godliness.
- LaGrange Baptist Church is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
*A student may be sent home for any of the above rules that are broken.
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