• church@lagrangebaptist.com
  • 502-222-9306

Summer Sermon Series – 2010

Through the Sunday’s of summer we will be learning from Jesus’ parables. Our Lord’s stories give us insight into life and into our own selves that is amazing. I am excited to begin this study on Father’s Day by looking at the parable of the prodigal son. Though the story is familiar, I think we will find a new and fresh view of God’s great love.

I look to the Lord’s teaching to do three things in us. First, I think it will create a compelling sense of mission. The parables have an amazing power in helping us see God’s purpose in life and how we are to fit in it. Second, I believe the parables create a sense of unity among God’s people. They remind us that we are in Christ’s kingdom together, all living for the same King and the same cause. Third, and without question, the parables provoke us to action. These insightful stories open our eyes to life as God sees it and then challenge us to see if we are living accordingly. Many of them are planted in the soil of human relationships. I think this is because all of life is lived in relationship to someone. No matter who we are or what we do all of us relate to God and to people. It is in these relationships that the truth of Jesus’ parables is lived out. It will be life changing.



The Parables covered:

    1.The Two Sons Luke15:11-32

    2.Lamp Under a Basket Matthew 5:13-16

    3.Unshrunk Cloth New Wine Matthew 9:16-17 

    4.Hidden Treasure Pearl Great Price Matthew 13:44-46 

    5.The Unforgiving Servant Matthew 18:23-35

    6.Wise and Foolish Virgins Matthew 25:1-13

    7.The Rich Fool Luke 12:16-21

    8.Watchful, Faithful Evil Servants Luke 12:35-48

    9.Counting Cost: Tower, War Luke14:25-35