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  • 502-222-9306

The Gospel In Me: August 9, 2015

“I realized that my lack of confidence was because
I placed so much on myself rather than resting in Christ.”

Before every baptism we have the privilege to hear stories of how God has saved people in our church and community through the gospel. In order to encourage one another, we will be posting these “gospel stories” after each baptism!
Lee Kimbell
My spiritual growth has come from the Bible, the teachings of the ministers at LaGrange Baptist Church, and the lessons and love I gained from members of this congregation. When I was young, my parents took me to church even when I would rather spend my time doing something else. I was shy and lacked the confidence to make friends as a child. This kept me from wanting to attend church.
God kept my parents persistent until finally I was getting more involved in the youth group at LaGrange Baptist. Growing up in a Christian home, I already knew what it meant to be a Christian but was not confident enough to publicly profess my faith to Christ. Through further Bible study, my knowledge of the life of Jesus Christ began to cultivate a better understanding of why God sent His Son to such a sinful earth. I became confident that Jesus our Savior lived a perfect sin-free life and then died for our sins.
An early milestone in my faith was my first LaGrange Missions. Through this event I was brought closer to God and made many friends that shared my love for God and held me accountable within my faith. I had been shy because I was so worried about what others thought of me and what I thought of myself. I was beginning to learn that I should love others rather than be fearful of their judgment. I began growing more and more in my faith. However, through this process I still questioned my worthiness for God’s love, grace, and sacrifice. Throughout my life I had worked hard to succeed in academics, sports, friendships, as well as my faith. As I grew in my faith I wanted to reach a point where my faith was nearly perfect. I wanted my faith to be without failure just as I tried to achieve through so many other things. It was difficult for me to realize that my faith would never reach perfection.
This past year I entered my first year at Georgetown College where I witnessed so much imperfection. I told myself early on that I would resist the many adverse temptations that college introduced. I quickly developed relationships with many friends that go me involved in the Campus Outreach program. Many of these Christian friends were part of a fraternity where I soon became involved. I then joined the fraternity with a large group of Christian brothers.
This past Spring Break, I went on a trip with Campus Outreach. I was surrounded by many Christians as we worshiped our King. I heard many testimonies about how so many people had been through so many adversities in their life and how their faith in Christ helped them cope. On the last night of this trip we worshiped on the beach in awe of God’s creation. After this worship service I spent some time alone thinking about all that I had learned throughout my life in developing my faith.
I was humbled thinking that I am so imperfect but the most powerful, wrathful, yet forgiving and gracious King loves me regardless. I realized that my lack of confidence was because I placed so much on myself rather than resting in Christ. I knew that I loved God and that regardless of my actions, He will always be forgiving even though I will never reach perfection.
I am here before you today with confidence and excitement to be baptized. I know in my heart that God is pleased and is ready for me to take this step in faith. God has worked through so many people who have impacted my faith for Him. God works in so many wonderful ways and I am so happy that He works in my life despite my unworthiness of His holy sacrifice.