David and Goliath Worship Guide
I Samuel 17 – David and Goliath
The key verses in this chapter are, 45-47. The main reason God recorded this story is not so that we would remember David, but so we would remember what God did through David and why he did it.
The key phrases in the story are; “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the mane of the LORD of hosts… This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand… that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD’s…
The Goliath Virus
The Goliath virus can strike any of us. It effects how we see life. It is not however something that infects our eyes. It is a virus that infects our faith. When anything gets between us and God it becomes the size of Goliath.
As we will learn today, this Goliath virus will affect how we see ourselves, how we see life circumstances and how we see God.
Our aim is to learn from David how to see God when Goliath is standing right in front of you.
Clearing Your Vision from the Goliath Virus
• What is keeping you from seeing God clearly at this time in your life?
• Is it possible that your faith is blinded from seeing God’s interest in and power to work in your situation?
• Every one in the Valley of Elah feared Goliath, except David. David feared God.
• Stop and consider these things: a. God loves you! He proved it in His Son’s crucifixion. B. God is all powerful. He proved it in creation. C. Rest in the truth of God’s proven love, power and His promised presence (Hebrews 13:5)
Preparing for Worship
Sunday, February 21
David and Jonathan
Friendships are vital to life. Good friendships can make the most unbearable moments in life quite bearable. Read about David and Jonathan’s relationship in I Samuel 18:1-5. See what else you can find in I Samuel about this friendship. Then consider these things…
- What does it take to have a real friendship?
- What does it demand of me to be a good friend?
- What are some of the benefits of having a true friend?