Adult SEEDS Volunteer Opportunities
We are looking forward to the privilege of serving the families of our church and our community through our new SEEDS ministry. A key to our success in reaching families will be the faithful service of many volunteers. Please prayerfully consider the opportunities offered below to see how you can be involved in promoting the gospel to our community. This will be a September to May program. Feel free to take a look at the seeds website or visit the table in the foyer for more information.
- Small Group Leader – leads the same group of up to 10 children in a small group environment; encourages spiritual growth through relationships, discussion, and other small group activities
- Classroom Leader – provides leadership and support to a team of Small Group Leaders; leads Wrap Up at the end of small group time; leads classroom-wide activities; assigns children to small groups
- Parent Connection Assistant – greets families as they arrive; participates in Parent Connection on a weekly basis by establishing relationships with parents; assists with setup and clean up
- Creative Arts Team Member – assists the Creative Arts Facilitator in creating set and decorations for other areas as needed (Parent Connection, Registration Table, etc.); assists in creating props needed for monthly Seeds
- Drama Team Member – participates on a team of teens and adults to perform drama during Power Up (weekly family worship time, may not perform every week)